The numbers are clear
The last two weeks for Harper on Industrial Hemp Oil have not been as good as the first two, but there is still improvement from prior to our use of the product.
Week 7: 39 seizures Week 8: 45 Seizures
Still less than 64 seizures from the week prior to our start but we are sad it’s not as good as the first 6 weeks on high-CBD hemp oil. Since there is no harm in giving this natural product to Harper, from here we will continue to track progress and see how it plays out over time.
However there is still other improvement
Yes there is a decrease in seizure control over these last two weeks. However, there is still also marked improvement from Harper’s original seizure baseline from prior to the use of Industrial Hemp Oil.
We aren’t going to lie: the increase in seizures during weeks 7 and 8 does make us sad and discouraged. But after evaluating the numbers we are happy to see there is still improvement AND we are beyond thrilled that for the last two months we have grown closer to Harper and enjoyed her improved interaction and feedback.
Is something funny?

Harper’s Play Date

Enjoying Sister’s Kisses!