
Our journey with Harper was full of adventure, difficult decisions, and exciting possibilities. Please use the search bar to type in a word of the experience you are searching for such as, CBD, Organ Donation, Eye Gaze, GTube, etc…. If you are unable to find information please feel free to contact us directly and we will help you in any way we can.
CDKL5 Treatment Discovery Project: A New Approach to Treating CDKL5 and Possibly More!
CDKL5 Treatment Discovery Project: A New Approach to Treating CDKL5 and Possibly More! The Jensen Lab Has Identified a New Approach for Treating CDD The Jensen Lab has identified a new approach for treating CDKL5 disorder that has crossed into the possibility of treatment of other epilepsy, neurodevelopmental, and neurodegenerative disorders in particular, including […]
“You only grow by coming to the end of something and by beginning something else.” ~John Irving Run4Hope contributes to life-chasing research for children to live a better quality of life with CDKL5 and epilepsy. The research Hope4Harper supports is helping millions of people worldwide. A piece of Harper from her organ donation is […]
Medical Kidnapping in our CDKL5 Family
Medical Kidnapping in our CDKL5 Family It took over a year and a half to obtain the Child Protective Services full investigation report. A report that declared no findings of neglect in our home. Thank you to the CPS case manager that pulled my husband aside verbally stating this case was clearly malicious. Thank you […]
REGISTER NOW! 2017 Run4Hope Festival & 5K
Register here Registration is now open! Click HERE for all Run4Hope details We currently have 146 registered 5K participants! Our 2017 goal is 300 runners and $20,000! BUT REMEMBER the Festival is FREE with encouraged donations for pony rides, snow cones, cotton candy and more! 7 additional non profits will financially benefit from the […]
Going on NOW Through April 30 Run4Hope 5K VIRTUAL Run
Going on NOW through April 30 Run4Hope 5K VIRTUAL Run The race has already begun but you can still start. Register now for the Run4Hope Virtual (online) Run. Registration is only $29 with proceeds going to Hope4Harper funded seizure research projects. A virtual runner packet will be mailed to you. All registrants will receive the adorable […]
Hope4Harper 2016 Year in Review
Hope4Harper 2016 Year in Review This year is difficult to recap because it has been difficult to live through. The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it. ~ Chris Pine I thought living life […]
Did Run4Hope 2016 Raise Enough to Impact Seizure Research?
Did Run4Hope 2016 raise enough to make an impact? Run4Hope had a 2016 goal of 300 runners and to raise $20,000 for epilepsy research and awareness. Our very optimistic plan in setting this goal is to send $10,000 to Harper’s cells at University of California San Diego with Dr Alysson Muotri. We would like to send […]
Memorial Run4Hope Race Results and #NTXGivingDay Reminder
It was a beautiful day for a Run Thank you for supporting seizure research and epilepsy awareness at 2016 Run4Hope. The Memorial 5K and 1-mile family Fun Run was last Saturday in Carrollton. There are many photos on the Run4Hope Facebook page, or click this #harperslegacy tag to see photos posted by people from all over as […]
2016 Run4Hope at a NEW Location in Josey Ranch
Our 2016 one-mile Kids Fun Run and 5K Memorial Run is at a new location this year! See you at Josey Ranch in Carrollton this Saturday. Where Josey Ranch Athletics Complex 1440 Keller Springs Rd. Carrollton, TX 75006 [divider height=”1″ bg_color=”white” margin=”20″ /] When Saturday, September 17, 2016 Check in starts at 7 a.m. One […]
Dear Hope4Harper Supporters
Looking back at the beginning of Hope4Harper Dear Hope4Harper Supporters, From the beginning of this journey to gain control over our daughter’s devastating seizures, you have graciously given your time and money. When, in the summer of 2011, we were a new nonprofit in desperate need of raising $100,000 for seizure research in just four months, you […]