“You only grow by coming to the end of something and by beginning something else.”
~John Irving
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016 Memorial Run
- 2018 The Final Run
Run4Hope contributes to life-chasing research for children to live a better quality of life with CDKL5 and epilepsy. The research Hope4Harper supports is helping millions of people worldwide. A piece of Harper from her organ donation is used in each project funded.
The end of Run4Hope does not mean that Hope4Harper will not exist. Nor does it mean we will not have a 2019 event. It simply means, it’s time for Run4Hope to end. We appreciate the sponsors, participants and volunteers that have been with us through our 5K adventures. Our family is eternally grateful for your support on this long road. I truly believe CDKL5 will be cured within our lifetime and we are thankful you are with us on this journey.
2018 Money raised

Past Run4Hope Fundraising
2017 Total Raised …..$25,544 (includes $10,774 raised for the 7 non profits in the Festival)
2016 Total Raised……$18,300
2015 Total Raised …..$10,956
2014 Total Raised …. $14,014
2013 Total Raised …. $14,000
2012 Total Raised …..$9707.47
Please contact Hope4Harper at hope@hope4harper.com for any questions or comments.