So since it’s Christmas we are thinking of Jesus and presents!  This cannot be escaped despite societies efforts to turn it into Happy Holiday rather than Merry Christmas.  In that, I have thought about Harper and our life as such:  Mind you these are my words of summary!

Jesus came to earth to die on a cross for our sins.  Jesus knew his ultimate purpose to bring glory to God and keep His faith towards God, His father.  During the hours before He knew His suffering would begin, when they would come and take Him away to begin carrying His cross of our sin.  He took two disciples with Him to stand watch and pray while He prayed, but they fell asleep, as they did not understand the circumstances about to unfold and let their desires of the flesh overcome them.  Jesus prayed with all His heart that God’s will be done, but if there be any other way please do allow Him to be painfully nailed to a cross and humiliated and hung in front of everyone to die a slow painful death.  If God would not save His son from this tragedy because it served a bigger purpose, which we are all eternally grateful for now, then why should we be upset if Harper is not healed?

NOTE: Please do not misinterpret my analogies from above.  I am not saying Harper is Jesus or that Dustin and I are Joseph and Mary!  Seriously?!  I am saying simply that if God sent His ONLY son here to earth, and although He could heal Him, He did not, then I should not be angry with God if he chooses not to heal Harper.

What I am beginning to realize, is that sometimes I think we seek out answers when really there are none that we can understand. Did God make this happen to Harper? …ABSOLUTELY NOT!  Has He put opportunities in place for us regarding the situation…ABSOLUTELY!  Does He intend to heal her?  I do not know! But….is God only faithful if he heals?  NO!  Undesirable situations or outcomes that do not fit expectations are just as much an opportunity for God to reveal Himself.

We are given free will, the ability to choose.  Perhaps Why is not the question anyone should be choosing to ask but rather How?  How can we fulfill our ultimate purpose of bringing glory to God in every situation good or bad?  This is the question that should be asked everyday, not just on Sundays or at Easter or Christmas!  Please don’t misunderstand this for the striving of perfection.  Perfection is not needed nor can it be obtained.  Those individuals that recognize their imperfection yet continue to choose the path to honor God have the best testimonials to share.  Rachel Knight – God With Us

So, our purpose is all the same to glorify God so we may spend eternity in heaven with Him.  HOW we fulfill that purpose is different for us all.  Harper is simply a little girl and I am just a mom.  A mom trying to help both her girls have the best quality of life possible by following the opportunities laid before us.  That is how all of this came about.  This is the story of each of your lives as well; with I am sure slightly different circumstance. Therefore, no matter your situation, the “Why?” does not matter!  It does not matter because it is not about the problem.  It is always about the praise!