Your responses
I asked if you thought Harper’s story should continue or end. Read the post “Continuing… or Ending… Harper’s Story here: (Part 1) and (Part 2).
We will Continue!
After contemplation, feedback, and family discussion which included Lily we have decided to move forward in the world Harper helped create for us. There are many reasons, but as I look at this photo of Harper’s cells I remember that she is continuing and we are caretakers of her final gift. Harper’s tissue samples were viable and are successfully reproducing cells for research in California. Without continued funding, this research may not be able to keep moving forward.
We will be attending the CDKL5 conference in June where Lily will speak to other families and siblings. As a family we will attend the 2016 American Epilepsy Conference as well.
We will continue to share our journey with the world in hopes of helping others grasp that fine line of HOPE while living in a world filled with hopelessness. Continuing Harper’s story means more of us coming together and working hard to keep raising awareness and funding research.
Our team of 5 organizers NEEDS HELP!
The Mission: To spread HOPE though seizure research and awareness.
HOW? RUN 4 HOPE September 17
, 2016. You can help by
REGISTERING HERE as an on-site OR virtual runner. There is a 1-mile Fun Run for kids too!
Come meet the team….March 20th 1pm to 3pm
Elite Care in Coppell Tx
720 N. Denton Tap Rd, Coppell Tx 75019
(Snacks Provided)
You can help by attending this event to see if you want to bless our team with your skills.
*No meetings after this event are required.
*Necessary areas of involvement include: Registration, Volunteers, Advertising,
Sponsors, Activities, Designer
Hope4Harper’s 2016 Funding Goal: $200, 000.00 will support the following areas of research:
1) University of Pennsylvania –
Studying the affects of CBD on seizures. NOW because of the donation of Harper’s brain, research can really flourish in this department using an actual brain sample rather than simply a mouse model built to recreate seizure.
2) University of California San Diego –
Harper’s tissue samples are growing!. The lab there is creating many cells from Harper. From there they will take them back to stem cells do research in each cell how treatment affects the genes within that cell.
3) Metabolic research to find the connection that DOES EXIST in Epilepsy-
This is what I have been screaming for five years would save Harper’s life. NOW science can FINALLY test Harper to validate this theory.

Recent Posts
Continuing… or Ending… Harper’s Story (Part 2)
Continuing… or Ending… Harper’s Story (Part 1)
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