Eight weeks and I have been crying for three of them!  This was definitely not part of the plan when looking into scheduling permanent birth control solutions.  Apparently we can make our desire for no more babies permanent …..IN SEPTEMBER!

Baby Howard, 8 weeks. Due September 2014

Baby Howard, 8 weeks. Due September 2014

If there is ONE thing we should have learned from Harper it is to go with the flow!  Plans are not really yours to make.

In the words of Pete The Cat…

“Stuff will come and stuff will go, but do we cry?  Goodness No!  We just keep on singing!”

I don’t have a clue how this is all going to work.  🙁  Right now I’m just enjoying the stretchy pants! 😛


sisterfly bigsisterMYway

bossbigsister  bigsisterquote
