TODAY IS APRIL 1st!  This year, today is significant in multiple ways:

Today marks the start of Harper’s Birthday Month.  30 days designed to celebrate Harper, give her the monumental birthday bash she didn’t get when she turned one, and increase awareness of her Cause, Hope4Harper, which is officially a non profit organization.  We have a new website, a new video on the home page expressing our message, “Make Hope Real!” and most importantly you can now follow us via email.  Register on the right hand side of our webpage to receive emails when an update has been posted.

  • Don’t forget to order your Hope4Harper shirt for this month which will provide a direct financial benefit to Harper’s Cause AND will clothe a child in need at the same time.  Visit to order yours now!  You’ll want to have it to wear to Harper’s Birthday Party in 11 days!
  • This year we are working towards getting Harper an electronic eye gaze communication board as a means for her to learn about and communicate with the world around her since Harper clearly understands our direction but like most others with her condition are unable to speak in response.  You can help her receive this gift from her supporters through your birthday offering which will directly benefit Harper and 100% go towards the purchase of this device.  DONATE HERE 

Most importantly, April 1st, also known as All Fools Day, happens to be Palm Sunday this year.  Palm Sunday is a religious holiday which begins the Holy week leading to Easter and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Palms are typically blessed and distributed in church in remembrance of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem where people put palms down in front of his path.  Palms, as a blessed religious object should be burned or buried.   The ashes received on Ash Wednesday, the start of the lent season of sacrifice, are from the prior years palms.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!  We are enjoying this season attempting to teach Lily, Harper’s oldest sister, that YES, BABY JESUS does grow up and this is when we celebrate HIM as an adult!