Memorial Necklace

Memorial Necklace
Why Memorial Necklaces?
Losing a child is a mother’s worst nightmare, even with a diagnosis that you knew would lead you to this path of grief. The loss is real and irreversible. Your heart, your house, your family, your life… has a hole in it, a void, a missing piece. May this necklace help you in finding peace in the memories of the past as you bravely walk forward in the presence of today.
*Note: All necklaces are donated by Hope4Harper and Sonya’s Story, and free of charge to any applicant worldwide. Only mothers that have suffered the loss of a child are eligible and all requested fields must be completed. One necklace per child lost.

Losing a child is a mother’s worst nightmare, even with a diagnosis that you knew would lead you to this path of grief. The loss is real and irreversible. Your heart, your house, your family, your life… has a hole in it, a void, a missing piece. May this necklace help you in finding peace in the memories of the past as you bravely walk forward in the presence of today.

*Note: All necklaces are donated by Hope4Harper and Sonya’s Story, and free of charge to any applicant worldwide. Only mothers that have suffered the loss of a child are eligible and all requested fields must be completed. One necklace per child lost.

Request Form
Note: No information provided will be shared outside Hope4Harper.