I have to say Harper the Dallas, Texas CDKL5 groundhog does not agree with Phil this year!  Now, we are up against a national public figure on this one but he is only right 35%!  😉  According to Phil the Punxsutawney, PA groundhog:   for 2012 “…many shadows do I see so six more weeks of winter it must be!”  Our photo shows no shadows, so we are leaning towards the prediction of an early spring!

Like groundhogs some children with CDKL5 disorder spend time grinding their teeth but not on wood chunks like the woodchucks!  Some grind so much that their teeth are flat to the gum line.  Unlike the groundhogs who’s teeth grinding is crucial to their livelihood, teeth grinding for CDKL5 children is not a good thing!  Harper grinds her teeth more when she is cutting them and she is cutting her two year molars now.  The good news is that she grinds less when her teeth are more comfortable.

Punxsutawney, PA Official Groundhog website:  http://www.groundhog.org